How Do I Reschedule My Lab Test?

Push Health makes it easy to consult with an online Healthcare Provider that will offer medical advice, prescriptions and review your lab testing requests.

You can simultaneously fulfill your patient registration and submit your first request by filling out a  'Request Care' form at the link below.

Once you select a lab test, you will choose a lab location by inserting your zip code. It will list the closest Quest Diagnostics laboratories in your area. Unfortunately Push Health doesn't have a corporate tie up with every Quest lab location. The search results will not display lab locations in certain areas of NY and all of Arizona state

You can conveniently reschedule your appointment on their website. Click on the link below and select 'Find Your Appointment' to reschedule.

We hope this article helped you understand how to reschedule your lab appointment. Please send us an email at help [at] if you have any further questions.

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