How Do I Approve a Pharmacy Change Request?

Push Health offers the patient the opportunity to make one pharmacy change request per prescription approved. You can approve these pharmacy change requests by completing the following steps:

First, please login to your Push Health profile using the below link.

Your dashboard will look like this:

Click on Change Pharmacy Request. This will take you to the following screen:

On this screen you will see the information for the new pharmacy the patient wishes to use.

Clicking on Review Rx Details will allow you to review the patient information:

When you are ready to approve the pharmacy change you can click the box to Authorize and Re-send Prescription and press the green Approve button. This will take you to a final screen making sure you have one more chance to review before confirming the change:

Clicking Send will initiate a cancellation message to the first pharmacy. The new pharmacy will then receive the details of the prescription.

And that's it! The pharmacy change request has been approved.

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